まいど、酔いどれ( @yoidoreo )です。


「Pocket News Generator」を設定したので実際に利用してみました、まだテスト中ですが・・・

News 001

iOS 6 Users on Devices Able to Run iOS 7 Must Upgrade to Fix FaceTime

Devices capable of running iOS 7 must be upgraded to iOS 7.0.4 or later, while devices unable to run iOS 7, such as the fourth-generation iPod touch, must upgrade to iOS 6.1.6. If you’re using iOS 7.0.4 or later or iOS 6.1.6, this issue doesn’t affect you.

Apple's iOS 7.1.1 tweaks shown to extend iPhone battery life

The latest version of Apple’s mobile operating system seems to have brought with it enhancements designed to ease strain on the iPhone’s battery, as some users are reporting noticeable increases in uptime with iOS 7.1.1. iOS 7.

Set AirDrop in iOS to be Discoverable by Contacts Only for Added Privacy

Those of us who regularly use AirDrop on the iPhone or iPad and leave the function frequently turned on for share requests may want to take a moment to adjust a simple privacy setting for the feature, allowing your iOS device to be only discoverable by Contacts.

Fix for a Mac Disconnecting from Wi-Fi After Sleep Wake

A fair amount of Mac users have encountered an issue where their Mac will immediately disconnect from wi-fi networks after waking from sleep, forcing users to rejoin a wireless network constantly.

三毛猫 みぃちゃん クロネコさんだにゃ

みぃちゃん おくつろぎ中にゃう ピンポ〜〜ん
あ、荷物が届いた! シャチハタはどこかにゃ


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