2014-06-02 本日の気になった記事やニュース

2014-06-02 本日の気になった記事やニュース

まいど、酔いどれ( @yoidoreo )です。


「Pocket News Generator」を設定したので実際に利用してみました、まだテスト中ですが・・・

Ios8 004

Wallpapers of the week: iOS 8 and OS X

Almost concurrently with the WWDC 2014 announcement, many fans began pointing me in the direction of wallpapers to match the designs. Several weeks ago, we posted an assortment of WWDC 2014 wallpapers, to much fanfare.

How to stream movies from your iTunes library on iPhone or iPad

I don’t know if this applies to everyone, but I rarely ever go right to sleep after crawling into bed. I usually spend a good few hours on my iPhone, until I literally cannot keep my eyes open any longer.

三毛猫 みぃちゃん かくれんぼ

美容と健康にサラダ ハムハム かくれんぼ


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