まいど、酔いどれ( @yoidoreo )です。


「Pocket News Generator」を設定したので実際に利用してみました、まだテスト中ですが・・・

News 001

VirusTotal Uploader is a quick and easy way to scan suspicious files

With so many security scares lately, it’s the perfect opportunity to make sure that your Mac security is as beefed up as possible.

iOS quick tips: How to show timestamps and start a phone call in Messages

Apple’s iOS is a powerful mobile operating system, but many of its most productive features are hidden or simply not well known. With this iOS Quick Tip, AppleInsider shows off two of the least-appreciated features of the Messages app.

夏までにペンタブレットをリフレッシュ!Intuos Proにのりかえキャンペーン 申込期間:2014.5.26〜6.30

購入対象製品:Intuos Pro全ラインアップ 返品対象製品:ペンタブレット製品全般  (他社製品でも可能。但しCintiq、Bamboo Pad、Intuos Creative Stylusは除く)

How to Stop iTunes AutoFilling Unwanted Music Onto an iPhone / iPod touch / iPad

Have you ever wanted to just copy a song or two over to your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad from iTunes, only to have iTunes try to sync a whole barrage of unwanted music to the iOS device? That happens due to iTunes AutoFill, a feature that some users may enjoy as it will fill up an iOS device autom

三毛猫 みぃちゃん スター候補生

こんなダンスどうかにゃ フィギュアの選手がしてたでち


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