• ❑ 画像転送アプリのPhotoSyncがバージョンアップ
– New: Supports transferring photos/videos to Picasa
– New: Supports transferring photos/videos to Facebook
– New: Supports transferring photos/videos to SmugMug
– New: Quick Transfer is the ultimate Time Saver.
Quick Transfer allows you to set a default computer (or other service) in the settings and then just transfer all new/selected pictures to this default computer by a long press on the sync button.– New: Now supports transferring videos to Flickr.
– New: Videos from devices that record HD videos (e.g. iPhone 4, iPad 2) can now be send to non HD-capable devices (e.g iPhone 3G, iPhone 3Gs). The video is resized on the source device before the transfer happens.
– New: When transferring to a computer or iOS device photos can now be resized before the transfer happens
– New: Now supports transfers from iPhone 4 to iPad or a Computer using the personal HotSpot feature of iPhone 4
– New: When transferring to FTP or Dropbox subfolder creation for device and album name can be turned off.
– Fixed: Special characters in Device and album name are now replaced when transferring to FTP
– Fixed: Upload progress is now more accurate when transferring to Dropbox or other Webservices
– Fixed: Fixes the endless loading bug that occurred on some iPads on first startup of PhotoSync.
PhotoSync – wirelessly transfers your photos and videos 1.2
カテゴリ : 写真
価格 : ¥230
リリース日 : 2011/02/18
容量 : 12.0 MB
販売元: touchbyte GmbH
AppStoreでの評価 : 無し

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過去記事紹介: iPhpne,iPad、PhotoSyncがv1.2にバージョンアップ http://bit.ly/ivBdpL