まいど、酔いどれ( @yoidoreo )です。
「Pocket News Generator」を設定したので実際に利用してみました、まだテスト中ですが・・・

Camera+ 5.1 brings out several refinements to The Lab feature, as well as some nice improvements and a pair of new features: a new 16×9 shooting mode for taking widescreen photos and a new Boost option for more intense filters. Starting with Camera + 5.
How many times have you been reading an article on the web when you tapped on a link that sent you somewhere you weren’t expecting? Maybe it was to an article that wasn’t anticipated, or maybe it was to another website entirely.
Back in May of last year, a long list of readers in countries around the world reported having access to Apple’s two-step verification security feature for their Apple ID. Shortly after the news broke, the feature disappeared in many countries signaling it had been launched prematurely.
日本でもApple IDの二段階認証が始まったようです