AI画像ジェネレーター対決:ImageFX vs Midjourney vs FLUX.1-dev

AI画像ジェネレーター対決:ImageFX vs Midjourney vs FLUX.1-dev

今話題のAI画像ジェネレーター「ImageFX」「Midjourney」「 FLUX.1-dev」の3つを使って、何処まで表現できるのかテストしてみました。

  • 「ImageFX」は、1:1での作成しかできないので作成後、PhotoshopのAIを使って16:9に
  • 「 FLUX.1-dev」は、Huggingfaceで無料版を使ったので、「ImageFX」と同様に「ImageFX」


A beautiful Japanese woman poses with the illuminated Kobe Port Tower in the background. She is wearing a classic floral dress that reflects a feminine vibe, and her long black hair is styled in soft waves. Port of Kobe at night, shot from a low angle.





Midjourney 04.





Image fx 01.

A close-up portrait of an old Japanese woman, softly lit by the light of a window with natural light. Her face is lined with deep wrinkles, and her eyes have a look of sadness and thoughtfulness. Taken with an 85mm lens, the background is blurred and the subject’s face is in sharp focus. The lighting is gentle, and the subtle highlights and shadows emphasize the texture of the skin. The warm browns and muted grays of the color palette emphasize the intimate, pensive atmosphere.

(自然光の入る窓の光でやわらかく照らされた、日本の老女のクローズアップポートレート。 深いしわが刻まれた顔には、悲しみと物思いに沈んだような表情が浮かんでいる。 85mmのレンズで撮影され、背景はぼやけ、被写体の顔はくっきりとピントが合っている。 照明は穏やかで、微妙なハイライトと影が肌の質感を強調している。暖かみのあるブラウンと落ち着いたグレーの色調が、親密で物思いにふけるような雰囲気を強調しています。)


Midjourney 01.

A close-up portrait of an old Japanese woman, taken with an 85mm lens. The old man’s face is illuminated by soft, diffused natural light coming in from a nearby window. Her eyes are full of deep emotion, and her face has a look of sadness and introspection. The camera focuses firmly on the features of his face, and the background is blurred, with soft tones of warm browns and greys. The lighting emphasizes the details of the texture of her skin, creating a quiet, intimate atmosphere. –ar 16:9 –v 6.1

(85mmレンズで撮影した日本の老女のクローズアップポートレート。老女の顔は、近くの窓から差し込む柔らかく拡散した自然光に照らされています。彼女の目は深い感情に満ち、その顔には悲しみと内省的な表情が浮かんでいます。カメラはしっかりと彼の顔の特徴に焦点を合わせ、背景はぼかされ、温かみのあるブラウンとグレーの柔らかな色調で表現されています。照明は彼女の肌の質感を際立たせ、静かで親密な雰囲気を醸し出しています。 –ar 16:9 –v 6.1)


The photograph captures the serene and contemplative essence of an elderly Japanese woman. Her face, softly illuminated by the gentle natural light pouring in through the window, is a map of deep wrinkles, each line telling a story of its own. Her eyes, though sad, hold a profound thoughtfulness, as if lost in a sea of memories. The 85mm lens has rendered the background a soft blur, drawing the viewer’s attention to the sharp, detailed focus on her face. The lighting is warm and gentle, accentuating the subtle play of highlights and shadows that dance across her skin, emphasizing its texture and the stories it tells of a life well-lived. The color palette, dominated by warm browns and muted grays, adds to the intimate and reflective atmosphere, inviting the viewer to pause and reflect on the beauty of age and experience.




神戸の夜景は上手く表現してくれたのですが、御堂筋っぽく作成してくれたのは「Midjourney」だけだったので、「ImageFX」と「 FLUX.1-dev」は、プロンプトを少し変更してみました。


The rain-soaked streets transform into a dazzling display of light and color. Streetlights and illuminations cast a golden glow that reflects off the wet road surfaces, creating an enchanting spectacle. The purple and gold LED lights that adorn the street trees create an extravagant and sophisticated atmosphere, as if the entire city is dressed up for a night out.
Every detail is also beautifully rendered, as each person walking down the street spends the evening with a sense of purpose and joy. Umbrellas and coats add a sense of reality, and passing cars create movement and dynamism. The skyscrapers in the distance remind us of the city’s overwhelming presence, its constant energy and vitality.

(雨に濡れた街並みが、光と色彩のまばゆいばかりのディスプレイに変身します。 街灯とイルミネーションが黄金色の光を放ち、濡れた路面に反射して、魅惑的な光景を作り出しています。街路樹を飾る紫と金のLEDライトが、街全体が夜のお出かけのためにドレスアップしたかのような贅沢で洗練された雰囲気を演出しています。


Midjourney 02.

Illuminated street trees along Midosuji Avenue in Osaka on a rainy night. The light from the street lamps and the illuminations reflect off the wet road surface, creating a fantastic atmosphere. Many people walk along the sidewalks with umbrellas and coats, giving the impression of a bustling urban nightlife. There are also many cars passing by, their taillights shining in the reflection of the wet road surface. The trees along the sidewalks are decorated with purple and gold LED lights, adding to the festive atmosphere. In the distance, skyscrapers line the streets, creating a cityscape. The wet road surfaces reflect the light and sparkle, as if they are studded with jewels. Overall, this is an attractive photograph that captures the brilliance of the city and the vibrancy of its people on a rainy night. –ar 16:9 –v 6.1

(雨の夜の大阪・御堂筋の街路樹のイルミネーション。 街灯の光とイルミネーションが濡れた路面に反射して幻想的な雰囲気を醸し出している。 傘やコートを着た多くの人々が歩道を歩き、都会の夜の賑わいを印象づけている。 車もたくさん走っており、濡れた路面に反射してテールランプが光っている。歩道沿いの街路樹は紫と金のLEDライトで飾られ、お祭りのような雰囲気を盛り上げています。遠くには高層ビルが立ち並び、都会的な景観を作り出しています。濡れた路面が光を反射し、まるで宝石をちりばめたようにきらきらと輝いています。全体として、雨の夜の都会の輝きと人々の活気を捉えた魅力的な写真です。)


The rain-soaked streets transform into a dazzling display of light and color. Streetlights and illuminations cast a golden glow that reflects off the wet road surfaces, creating an enchanting spectacle. The purple and gold LED lights that adorn the street trees create an extravagant and sophisticated atmosphere, as if the entire city is dressed up for a night out.
Every detail is also beautifully rendered, as each person walking down the street spends the evening with a sense of purpose and joy. Umbrellas and coats add a sense of reality, and passing cars create movement and dynamism. The skyscrapers in the distance remind us of the city’s overwhelming presence, its constant energy and vitality.

(雨に濡れた街並みが、光と色彩のまばゆいばかりのディスプレイに変身します。 街灯とイルミネーションが黄金色の光を放ち、濡れた路面に反射して、魅惑的な光景を作り出しています。街路樹を飾る紫と金のLEDライトが、街全体が夜のお出かけのためにドレスアップしたかのような贅沢で洗練された雰囲気を演出しています。


This is a scene of a rider, helmeted and wearing protective gear, riding a red motorcycle around a curve. The rider is captured leaning low on his bike against a lush green background. It is a moment that evokes a sense of speed and concentration. –ar 16:9 –v 6.1




Midjourney 03.



A figure in a cloak stands on a cliff overlooking a vast fantasy world. In the distance, snow-capped mountains rise up into a dramatic sky filled with clouds. A magnificent castle or fortress surrounded by a misty valley rises up on a distant hill. The scene is dark and brooding, with muted colors and an epic sense of scale. The style is reminiscent of high-quality digital concept art from fantasy video games and films.
This prompt captures the following elements:
Central figure (a cloaked figure)
a grand, fantasy-like landscape
a snowy mountain in the distance and a dramatic sky
a grand castle or fortress in the distance
a valley shrouded in mist
an overall dark and mysterious atmosphere
subdued colors
a sense of grand scale
a high-quality, digital art style reminiscent of fantasy game and movie concept art




Midjourney 05.



The skyline of a futuristic city stretches out over the horizon, with glass-fronted skyscrapers rising almost to the sky. At sunset, the warm orange and purple light reflected from the glass and steel envelops the city. The buildings are a mixture of curved and straight shapes, some with a metallic sheen, others with a matte finish.

In the center of the image, a gently flowing, winding river glistens with a soft blue light on its surface. A suspension bridge crosses the river, and the cables and piers are illuminated by a series of soft blue LED lights, creating an attractive pattern. The bridge deck is surrounded by a railing made of futuristic materials, such as a combination of metal mesh and glowing optical fiber.

In the city, people dressed in cyberpunk-style clothes walk with purpose, their faces lit up by the fading sunset. The mix of functional and fashionable clothing, with neon accents and shiny accessories, creates a futuristic atmosphere. Some people are wearing augmented reality visors or goggles, while others are carrying sophisticated high-tech devices that seem essential to everyday life.

In the background, neon signs and holographic advertisements flicker and shimmer, reflecting kaleidoscopic colors on the cityscape. The signs appear to be a mixture of different languages, and some display futuristic logos, while others carry enigmatic messages, creating a mysterious and intriguing atmosphere.

(未来都市のスカイラインが地平線上に広がり、ガラス張りの高層ビルが空に届かんばかりにそびえ立っています。 日没時には、ガラスとスチールに反射した暖かいオレンジ色と紫色の光が街を包み込みます。 建物は曲線と直線の形状が混在し、金属光沢のものもあれば、マットな仕上げのものもあります。






Midjourney 06a.






* (公開されません)