2014-05-22 本日の気になった記事やニュース

2014-05-22 本日の気になった記事やニュース

まいど、酔いどれ( @yoidoreo )です。


「Pocket News Generator」を設定したので実際に利用してみました、まだテスト中ですが・・・

News 001

Apple confirms WWDC 2014 keynote to be held Monday, June 2nd at 10 AM PT; new hardware likely

This morning, Apple revealed the schedule for next month’s Worldwide Developers Conference. To start things off, an Apple keynote will be held from 10AM to 12PM on Monday, June 2nd at Moscone West.

5 iPhone Camera Tips to Make You a Better Photographer

Many iPhone users rely entirely on the iPhone as their camera of choice, so why not take the best pictures possible? That’s what these Camera app tips are for, helping you snap better photos and making you a better photographer by taking advantage of some of the wonderful features that are built

三毛猫 みぃちゃん かれんで可愛い

かれんで可愛い山野草 だれか・・・・


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