まいど、酔いどれ( @yoidoreo )です。


「Pocket News Generator」を設定したので実際に利用してみました、まだテスト中ですが・・・

News 001

How to remove or delete any app from your iPhone or iPad

How can I delete Newsstand, Stocks, Game Center, Calendar, Reminders, Notes and other pre-installed stock Apple apps from my iPad or iPhone? How do I put Newsstand in a folder? And can I permanently delete other apps, so they’re completely wiped from my iTunes account? We get these questions a lot.

Venmo update brings the simplicity of AirDrop to mobile payments

Mobile payment app Venmo received a big update today that introduces a new way to quickly send money to nearby friends. It works just as easily as Apple’s AirDrop sharing system.

Quickly Find What App(s) Are Using & Draining Battery on a MacBook

Batteries on the MacBook Pro and MacBook Air are made to offer many hours of work on a single charge. Unfortunately, sometimes apps get in the way of our wonderful Mac battery life, often without a user even noticing until suddenly their battery life has been drained dramatically.

Boot Camp 5.1 のセキュリティコンテンツについて

このアップデートは、「ソフトウェア・アップデート」または サポートダウンロード を使って、ダウンロードしてインストールできます。

三毛猫 みぃちゃん みぃちゃん エステティック✨

まゆ毛のお手入れにゃう おててのお手入れにゃう ヘアカット いつものおかっぱでにゃ 
長さは あ、それくらいにゃ『おきゃくにゃん 帰り車あぶにゃいから  ヘルメットかぶってるんにゃ?』



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