まいど、酔いどれ( @yoidoreo )です。


「Pocket News Generator」を設定したので実際に利用してみました、まだテスト中ですが・・・

News 001

Apple wins ‘best mobile tablet’ award at Mobile World Congress in absentia

The Global Mobile Awards today revealed their verdicts on their annual mobile device awards. As usual, like all industry conferences, Apple did not attend MWC. Regardless, in their absence, they were still given the ‘Best Mobile Tablet’ award for the iPad Air.

Major network TV4 lands on Apple TV in Sweden

A day following the arrival of WWE on Apple TV, users of the Apple set-top-box in Sweden today received access to TV4. TV4 is one of Sweden’s largest television networks with both live and scheduled programming.

Apple releases iBeacon specification through its Made-For-iPhone program

iBeacon, Apple’s new framework for using low-cost Bluetooth LE devices to beam notifications to nearby smartphones and tablets, will soon be getting a bigger push from Apple and third-party manufacturers through its Made-For-iPhone program.

Why 2014 could be the year mobile payments explode on the iPhone

Richard Crone had been on the road a few days recently when his smartphone did something unexpected: It started sending him special-offer coupons for breakfast at Starbucks.

Disney Movies Anywhere allows users to bypass Apple's store for iTunes content, comes with free movie

iOS device owners interested in keeping and viewing their catalog of digital Disney movies all in one place, as well as buying new titles through Apple without even needing to launch the iTunes Store, can download the new, free Disney Movies Anywhere application, which comes with a free digital

Off Brand: Nikon Announces the D4S

Nikon has officially announced the D4S flagship camera body. There have been a lot of performance boosts as compared to the D4, such as a “newly designed” 16.2mp sensor, a new EXPEED processor, the ability to get to ISO 409600.

How to Re-Download OS X Mountain Lion Installer from OS X Mavericks

Though it is generally recommended for users to keep their Macs up to date with the latest system software, not everyone wants to run OS X Mavericks on all of their Macs, and in some situations older Macs may not support the latest version of OS X anyway.

三毛猫 みぃちゃん 茶色姉妹

茶色姉妹 別々に出てくると さっき猫さん弁当食べたの どっちだったかニャ。。。? カラメルちゃん(右足模様あり)


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