まいど、旅行から帰って浦島太郎状態の、酔いどれ( @yoidoreo )です。
「Pocket News Generator」を設定したので実際に利用してみました、まだテスト中ですが・・・

Keyboard: In iOS 7.1 beta 3, Apple introduced a new design for the shift key, which was unpopular with many beta testers as it made it unclear when shift and caps lock were activated. With iOS 7.1 beta 5, Apple has tweaked the keys once again to make it clearer when shift and caps lock are enabled.
Evernote announced today that it’s adding a Descriptive Search feature for english users of its Mac app. Evernote says the new feature allows users to search using “everyday language to find notes the way he/she remembers them.
The MagSafe power adapter is brilliant, using magnets to secure a connection between a MacBook and the AC power charger, it not only breaks away quickly to help prevent mishaps, but it also quickly snaps on to provide power to the Mac.
According to the release notes, iOS 7.1 beta 5 includes new natural-sounding Siri voices for English (Australia), English (United Kingdom), Japanese, and Chinese (Mandarin – China).
Google continues to push its Maps product on iOS in the latest update, version 2.6. The app now alerts the driver when faster routes become available when navigating. This reflects functionality found in dedicated sat navs.
If you are looking for a new Mac laptop there are a number of factors to consider when deciding which model is the one for you.
Touch ID is Apple’s revolutionary fingerprint authentication system, but what are Apple’s future plans for Touch ID? The iPhone 5s finger sensor could be used for everything from your driver’s license to online payments.
Ever installed a new app or two on a Mac and then went to find them, only to be lost in a sea of other applications that are already installed? For those of us with a ton of apps installed this happens often, but OS X offers several ways to sort through the clutter and quickly locate these newly i
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