2014-03-02 本日の気になった記事やニュース

2014-03-02 本日の気になった記事やニュース

まいど、酔いどれ( @yoidoreo )です。


「Pocket News Generator」を設定したので実際に利用してみました、まだテスト中ですが・・・

News 001

2 Critically Important Things Every Apple User Must Do This Weekend

Two hugely important software security updates have been released for many Apple devices recently, and if you haven’t updated your software to the latest versions yet, you really should do it while you have some free time this weekend.

How to create contact groups on iPhone

A few days ago, we published a post explaining how to create contact groups on Mac, so we thought it would be a good idea to show you how to do that directly from your iPhone or iPad as well.

三毛猫 みぃちゃん みぃのカラーセラピー ✨

みぃは暖色系のほうが美にゃん(???)に見えるにゃあ⭐️ ブルー系より


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