まいど、酔いどれ( @yoidoreo )です。
「Pocket News Generator」を設定したので実際に利用してみました、まだテスト中ですが・・・

Apple is making it easy for anyone, not just those part of its paid developer program, to access beta builds of OS X and in the process submit feedback to Apple.
Apple added a noise cancelation feature to iOS 7, originally exclusively to iPhone 5s devices, but now available to (at least) older iPhone 5 phones as well in iOS 7.1.
Alongside iOS 7.1.1, Apple today released Security Update 2014–002 for Mavericks, Mountain Lion, and Lion users. The update includes fixes for several operating system vulnerabilities, detailed on Apple’s support page.
Following our report earlier this month that Apple was preparing to deliver a bug fix in an upcoming iOS 7.1.1 update, today the update is going live as an over-the-air update for iOS users.
ブログ「仙人猫の暮らし」さんのリクエストに応えて 淡谷のり子さんの 別れのブルースにゃ みぃは、あゆ のつもりだったんだけどにゃあ やっぱりむりがあるかにゃあ
もし、当ブログを気に入っていただけましたらRSSのご購読やTwitterでも、お願いしますm(_ _)m。